Monday, June 6, 2011


Today was our last day of class. This year was a lot of fun I can't wait til next year.
Time for exams ): and then summer (:

For the exams on Wednesday I need to study :
-Papua New Guinea
-Ancient and Modern Egypt
-Ancient Greece
-Ancient Rome

Friday, June 3, 2011

Daily Post 6/3

Today we went over the answers to the Rome test we took.
Mrs. Schick said we would spend our last couple of days reviewing for the exam.
The social studies is going to be to second exam we take on Wednesday.

On the Exam :
-100 multiple chose questions
-Write 2 essays (your pick out of 5 or 6 essay questions)
-No computers

Thursday, June 2, 2011

Daily Post 5/2

Today in class we took a text on the Rome worksheet. It was pretty easy and had an extra credit that was worth 5 points. We had a long class today, so after everyone finished the tests Mr. Schick graded them and told us our grades. I got a 90 with the extra credit. I think I did pretty well, it should bring my grade up to.

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Daily Post 6/1

It's already June!
Today in class we discussed the Rome packet and reviewed for our test on it tomorrow. It was originally planned  for today's class but Mr. Schick moved it so we could review after the long weekend break.

Friday, May 27, 2011

Daily Post 5/27

Today in class we finished talking about Rome. Mr. Schick was about to give us a quiz but instead he went over the questions and answers with us. At the end of class he gave us the worksheet to finish in class.

Thursday, May 26, 2011

Daily Post 5/26

Today's class was a lot of fun. We went outside!
We also went over what we read last night. We talked about the economy in different places, prices going up, and many different people that were in the packet. I wrote my answers for the homework on a piece a paper since my blogger won't work for some reason because of problems with my password. I changed it many times to try to fix it but it won't work. So now I'm on my home computer and it works so there's something wrong with my school computer and not blogger.

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Daily Post 5/25

Today in class, Mr. Schick gave back our tests on Rome. I got an 99 (:
It was pretty easy. We went over the answers, I only got one wrong. I'm saving the paper to study from for exams in a couple of weeks. Our essays were due today about the differences between the Roman Empire and Roman Republic. Our homework tonight is to read the packet Mr. Schick gave us and answer the questions on the back.