Monday, January 24, 2011

Guns, Germs, & Steel - Homework

    Guns, Germs, and Steel, is a movie we stared watching in class written by Jared Diamond. Jared Diamond is an American scientist. He is a biology and physiologist professor at UCLA. Jared likes the study of earth and birds. He went to Papua New Guinea, an island above Australia, to learn more about birds. He learned many things from the New Guineans. He saw how the New Guineans could build shelter in a couple hours using whatever they could find in nature. This made him think why they don’t have the same technology and resources America has to build houses. A man came up to him 30 years ago and said, “Why do you white men have so much cargo, and we New Guineans don’t?”  He said he didn’t know how to answer. I think Papua, New Guinea doesn’t have as much cargo as America does because they are not a culturally diverse county as we are. They are not as open to the world as America is, and many people don’t know about them. 

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