Monday, February 28, 2011

Daily Post

Today in class we went over the answers for the Gums, Germs, & Steel test from a while ago. I circled the answers so I can study off of them for the finals at the end of the year. Mr. Schick also told as that there were be  a test on ancient and modern Egypt this week, maybe Friday.

Friday, February 25, 2011

Talking to Sarah

Today in class we talked to Mr.Shick's friend, Sarah, from Egypt. We asked her many questions which she answered. She was really nice and explained everything we asked her very clearly so we could understand. She sounded very serious and involved of whats happening in her county right now. A question we asked her was who is in charge now that their king is gone. She said that the army is in charge until the election in September. She also told us that her family is on her side. Her family agrees with her and is not against getting a new ruler, but was scared that she would get hurt or even killed in the process of protesting. She said that everyone has a voice. Talking to Sarah was very interesting, I fell like I know more about what is going on in Egypt. Its not everyday in class where you get to Skype someone in Egypt!

Thursday, February 24, 2011

10 questions for Sarah

10 Questions 

1. If the government finds the videos and pictures on the interent, will u stop use of the interent? Or harm the people who took them?

2. When everybody is protesting, pushing and shoving, where are the little kids? are they at home? Do they know whats happening?

3. When do they know its time to pray? Do they all have to pray at the same time? Have you ever been in a situtation where you had to stop and pray?

4. Do you know anyone who has been abused, harmed or taken away from the police from protesting?

5. Who are the Muslism brothers? 

6. How big is this group and are you in this group? Can't the government put a stop to this group?

7. Do people still go to school or work during all this chaos?

8. What are the positions of the police? Can they agree with the protest or will they be harmed? 

9. Did Mubarak ever come out to deal with this chaos? Did he ever come out to explain himself?

10. Why don't the people of Egypt, the government, or the police go capture Mubarak?

Egyptian Government

  • Muhammad Hosni Sayyid Mubarak has served as the 4th president from Egypt from 1981 to 2011
  • There were other people who could run in elections but he made them lose
  • He had many rigid elections 
  • He bribed many people to vote from him 
  • The other candidate say that this wasn't fair and he was sentenced to 5 years hard labor
  • People who fought and agreed against the government, the police who abused you or put you in jail as long as they want without a trail   
  • Police can just arrest people due to the 'emergency law' 
  • Egypt's government are different than North Korea because North Korea has no internet, no access to the outside world, were as Egypt's situation is all the web 
  • He announced that he could not run from the presidential election in September
  • Many people protested against Mubarak on Jan. 25, 2011  
  • He scammed as much as 5 billion dollars out of Egypt's money 
  • He is in his resort home right now
  • Egypt got the world'd attention, so our nations with the same government could get rid of them
  • They are trying to protest without violence, buy using the internet and signs 
  • They started an event on Facebook. to protest on Jan. 25, 2011
  • Many people protested even those who aren't into polities 
  • Muslims pray 5 times a day, in middle of fighting, pushing and shoving, so they all pray faces the same direction and then start pushing ans shoving again

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Gigi's Revolution

Today in class we watched Gigi's Revolution, link below. In Egypt there isn't any political views, its illegal. People in Egypt are very serious about this king. Gigi wants the king to leave. She is fighting with her older sister and her aunt. Her sister says she is going to get hurt or killed. And her aunt says why does she hate her homeland? Its all over the news, facebook, and twitter. Its the first time that information has been sent out from Egypt.

Friday, February 18, 2011

Daily Post

Today in class Mr. Shick told us that we had to write a rap with a group of people. We have a couple lines already and we're going to record it or make a video.

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Presentations Notes

Today in class we presented our power points, these are some of my notes: 
  • Estimated 20,000 to 30,000 workers to built the Pyramids at Giza over 80 B.C
  • The Sphinx is located in Giza, Egypt
  • King Tut reigned for 9 years
  • Hieroglyphs was a formal writing system used by ancient Egypt 
  • Probably first writing that existed  
  • They developed a numbering system, their keeping track of their population 
  • People who wrote them are called scribes
  • The first time in history, this came along
  • The Nile - the longest river in the world
  • The main river in Egypt 
  • They knew when it flooded and how to use it for good, soil and plant 
  • Was their transportation and religion
  • 4,184 miles in length
  • Can produce fertile soil contributed by the annual spring floods
  • Provided irrigation, even in ancient times
  • Also used for drinking
  • One of the first people in the world who believed in after life

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Daily Post

Today we had a sub because Mr. Schick wasn't here.
We got into different groups to make a prezi or powerpoint presentation about ancient Egypt.
I started I powerpoint on the pyramids and hieroglyphics. I have a couple slides with notes, i'm going to finish it tomorrow. 

Monday, February 14, 2011

Daily Post

     Today in class, we continued to research ancient Egypt. I took notes on pyramids, Megan took notes on Hiroyligics, and Brlyn put the notes all together. (Notes below)

Friday, February 11, 2011

Notes on Anicent Eyqpt

·  formal writing system used by ancient Egypt·  use figures like animals, objects, and people
·  logographic and alphabetic elements
·  they represent real or illusion elements 
·  it is read alone of its visual characteristics
·  mostly written on papyrus paper or on the Pyramids
·  hieroglyphs means "Writing Words of God"
·  before they were used to write on pyramids they used them for recording something like a census
·  use a rebus-pictures are used according to the way they sound
·  ex. i believe -"eye, a bee, and a leaf"
·  the people who write them are called scribes
·  3 types
ideogram-a picture used to symbolize an abstract idea 
phonogram-a picture whose name is close to the desired sound
pictograph-a drawing of the literal word
·  first written language for ancient Egypt
·  over 2,000 different symbols 

·  Ancient Egypt was actually located in North Africa.
·  About 80 pyramids in Ancient Egypt
·  Built as tombs for the pharaohs and their queens
·The pharaohs usually referred to them as their “House of eternity”
o   Began planning their houses of eternity as soon as they took the throne
·All sides of the pyramids were to face directly north, south, east, and west
· Large stones were cut from quarries and used to build the pyramids
·Most of the workers were farmers who worked during the flood season, when their fields were under water.
·Four main chambers:
o   King’s chamber
o   Grand Gallery – leads from ascending passage to the king’s chamber
o   Queen’s chamber- not actually meant for the queen to be buried there, possible used as a place to store the king’s funerary objects
o   Underground chamber – almost like a trick chamber, many different views on what this tomb was used for

Thursday, February 10, 2011


A.  Describe the transition of hunter-gathers to farmers.

     Many people in ancient civilizations were hunting and gathering. Hunting and gathering was when people would hunt for food (animals or plants). People would follow where ever their food went. They were always moving farther away to try to survive. Always on the move, building shelters everywhere the went. Diamond observed how they would hunt to find food. Gathering was usually done by women and was another way of hunting. Sago trees were something the women would gather. They would eat the bark of the tree and the berries. Sago trees took a lot of labor and work to produce and wouldn't last long, so they couldn't store it for later. And they didn't have the proteins that they needed. 
     Then the ice age years came. The ice age killed many trees, plants, and animals. The people in civilization had nothing to eat. So  one day, someone said that there had to be another way to hunt food, like to grow/plant it. They could not only bring food back harvested, but they could bring it back as seeds. People started planting foods like wheat, barley, and grains. Grains were not available to New Guinea, unlike the Middle East. These food had lots of protein and could be stored for a long time, unlike sago. But their must have been a place where people could store these foods, where it could be protected by animals. Ian K. studies the Middle East stone age years, and discovered a village in the Middle East from 11.5 thousand years ago called Draa'. They were large holes of stone in the ground called granaries.
    Villages were a huge impact on people's life styles. People from ancient civilizations were finally living and working together in villages instead of moving around all the time to hunt or follow their food. Being together in villages, helped them discovered new technology and tools. Farmers were planting wheat and barley, instead of taking days to produce sago. Farmers used a domestication process for planting, planting domesticated plants. These farmers changed the nature around them. 

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Review for Test

20-25 questions fill in the bubble
5 short answer
1 essay (open blog) - post to blog counts as test
Question is : Which of the following reason aren't true about Sago trees?
-Takes a long time to produce
-Doesn't have a lot of protein
-You can't store it for long
-You can get 70 pounds of Sago out of one tree
-Sago trees grow in swaps

Maybe Essay Question is : Why didn't New Guinea develop as fast as us?
-domesticated animals > which could help with labor and get along with people, they are heavy and strong
-unlucky geographically lucky 
-less resources, crops > wheat, barley, rice

Question is : What are the characteristics of a domesticated animal?
-Being tamed, if you can tame one you control the herd -> social hierarchy
-Being over 100 pounds, strong -> manual labor
-Can help you with labor
-Can give you food and wool, meat or milk
-Friendly with humans
-They can reproduce
Question is : What are the characteristics of a desirable plant or food?
-Got to be more nutrition, they have to have protein and fiber
-Easy to produce 
-Easy to plant (sago takes a long time to plant)
-Have to be able to be store for a long time (for months) 
-Can be used for many different things -> versital  

Question is : What are some other things people can do?
-Specialized labor, they made plaster with limestones
-Specialized workers
-Making clothes, weapons, stone, shrapending tools, techonolgynoect.
-Then population goes up because they have the time to do all of this

Question is : Why didn't people in the Fertile Crescent leave?
-The land got dry 
-They moved easy and west
-They were lucky because of latitude
-The places had the same environment 

Question is : What did Jared Diamond do?
-A bird watcher
-Works at UCLA

Question is : What is the movie based on?
-On a book
-Prize winning author, Best-seller

Question is : What is cargo?
-The material you own or your country owns

Question is : Why are they doing well now?
-They are an island
-Improved transpiration
-More open with other countries, with trade
-They are selling food, trees, palm oil, ect. and that's why they are gaining money
-Natural resources : Gold, copper, metals, ect.

Question is : What were they doing to survive 13 thousand years ago? (everywhere)
-Hunting and gathering

Question is : Is there anyone who lives with old materials?
-Papua New Guinea, people are 'suck in time'
-Other people in the capital are getting more modern but they are catching up

The first and oldest community or village is the world is called Draa'
They built the grainery

Question is : Importance of suppress 

Monday, February 7, 2011

Daily Post

 Today we had a free mod in the class because we are so far ahead of all the other classes. I finished my french homework and everyone was happy (: until we found out we have a test on Papua New guinea and the modern civilization of it on THRUSDAY.

Friday, February 4, 2011

Daily Post

Today we discussed our Papua New Guinea report. I added more notes to my other post below. I found out that New Guinea's people are very hard workers but are far behind in civilization and technology. 

Thursday, February 3, 2011

GG&S - Homework 4

   Today we finished Guns, Germs, & Steel. Diamond gathered his clues and thinks his found an answer for the man who asked him about cargo. Other countries like the Middle East or the Fertile Crescent, could advance in technology because they weren't hunting and gathering all the time. The people of New Guinea did not develop new technology because they spent all their time and energy trying to hunt for their food. When Diamond went to Papua he saw people still using stone tools. Most of the people from the Fertile Crescent were forced to move from their villages when the land before dry. They could move east or west and they could still raise the same animals and crops as they did in the Fertile Crescent. The same animals in the Fertile Crescent were feeding the emperors in Europe and the Pharaohs in Egypt. They were blessed because of location, latitude and longitude. New Guinean is very different because it is an island. They were unfortunate because of this location. This cause them to stay back on civilization and not communicate with other nations around them such as the people from the Fertile Crescent. Another reason is, because New Guineans did not develop like we did was because of the raw materials they had. So Diamond's answer to, "Why do you white men have cargo, and we New Guinea don't?" is geography.

Papua New Guinea


*Natural Resources: 
gold, copper, silver, natural gases, timber, oil, fisheries
6,064,515 - 105 comparison to the world
*Birth Rate:
10% - 16 comparison to the world
Life expectancy:
65 years - 162 comparison to the world
3.54 children - 162 comparison to the world
*Unemployment Rate:
1.8% - 11 comparison to the world
Port Moresby, its in the 10 most dangerous cities in the world
*Literacy Rate:

More Info:
  • They have 562 airports - 152 comparison to the world
  • 0 migrates/1000 
  • *They have many different languages, more the 860 different langues, such Tok Pisin
  • *They have many religions but mostly Christianity 
  • 2 helicopters 
  • 2 telephone stations
  • 2 commercial stations
  • 3 radio network stations
  • many people still live in small village 
  • selling timber, wood, and coffee
  • They have lots of land but they also have lots of mountains
  • *18% lives in urban areas, in the cities, that very low
  • gain independence from Australia
  • more women are in the military

GG&S - Notes Day 4

  • They could advance in technology instead of hunting and gathering all the time
  • New Guinean did not develop new technology because they spent to much time and  energy to hunting for food
  • When Diamond went they were still using stone tools
  • Surplus
  • Most of the people of the Fertile Crescent left villages abandoned, the land was very dry so they were forced to move
  • They could move east or west and they could still raise the same animals and crops, so location is on their side
  • New Guinean is on an island so its different for they because they can't communicate with other nations around them
  • The same animals in the Fertile Crescent were feeding the emperors in the Europe and the Pharaohs in Equpt
  • New Guineans did not develop like we did because of the raw materials they had  
  • The answer to the question is geography 

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

GG&S - Homework 3

   Today we continued watching GG&S. Diamond talked about dmesticated animals and how they changed civilization over time. Animal domestication is when they would control their moving, breeding, and food which included raising animals, such as goats. Some advantages to raising goats include using their fur, wool, and meat. Another big discussion in the movie, was how the plow changed civilization. People in New Guinean never used plows because they didn't have the right domesticated animals. The only domesticated animal they had was the pig, which wasn't very useful because they couldn't use use it to help them with labor or use their fur and milk. Pigs barely have any muscle. The only muscle in New Guinean, has human muscle. So they never got the idea of using animals to plow because  horses and ox were not available/native to that region. So Diamond wondered why New Guinean didn't domesticate their own animals, he added all the domesticated animals in the world. He find about 143 but only 14 of them could be used for help in labor work. Those 14 animals are pigs, goats, sheep, horses, two types of camels, the water buffalo, donkeys, llama, reindeer, yaks, mithean, catal, and cows. Surprisingly, none of these animals were available to Africa or new Guinean. Most of these animals came from the Middle East. People from the Fertile Crescent were blessed with the crops and animals they had, it was a head start of civilization. The reason why they advanced in civilization is because they had new crops and animals.

GG&S - Notes Day 3

  Today we continued watching GG&S. Tonight we had to write another 100 words in a paragraph.These are some of my notes :

  • Animal Domestication - They would control their moving, breeding, and food (raising animals)
  • Advantages to raising goats - they could use their fur, wool, and at first their meat
  • The plow
  • In New Guinean, people never used plows because they didn't have the right animals
  • The only domesticated was the pig, which wasn't useful because they couldn't use their fur, milk, or muscle
  • The only muscle in New Guinean, was human muscle so they never had the idea of a plow because never had horses or ox that were native to that region
  • So Diamond wondered why New Guinean doesn't domesticated their animals, Diamond added all the domesticated animals
  • The best animals, were the large domesticated animals
  • So the Africans domesticated the elephant, which New Guinean could not handle to mange, they take a lot of labor 
  • Another challenge is that they need to get along with humans, some animals need their freedom and can not be tamed on a farm, like a zebra, fight or flight unlike horses

14 Domesticated animals larger than 100 pounds that could help with labor
  1. Pigs
  2. Goats 
  3. Sheep
  4. Horses
  5. Aribian Camels
  6. Camels again 
  7. Water Buffalo
  8. Donkeys
  9. Llamas
  10. Reindeer
  11. Yaks
  12. Mithean
  13. Bali Catal 
  14. Cows
  • None of these animals where available to Africa or New Guinean
  • South America had one
  • The others were from Asia, Europe, ...
  • Some of these animals came from Middle East
  • Fertile Crescent - the beginning or development of civilization, located in Western Asia/North Middle East
  • The people were blessed with the crops and animals they had, it was a head start
  • People lived in rows of stone house, people were amazed at the things they did, the inside had plaster made from limestone which takes days
  • More people comes more help/labor
  • People more able to discover more technology  and more skilled
  • The reason why they advanced is because they had new crops and animals

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

No School

 We didn't have school today because of the weather. So far, its not snowing, raining, and there no ice. Its probably gonna rain all night though.