Monday, March 21, 2011

The Greeks Day 5

Notes :
  • Pericles was born into one of Athens most elite family
    • He knew what the people wanted a city fit for a emperior 
  • Parthenon was a massive building with a huge 40 ft. statiue of Athenia, goddess, in it 
    • Made of marble, irony, gold, and gews 
    • Friezes, 500 ft. long, were inside that were narrow marble shells carved to show regular people doing farming and battle ect. 
    • A testament to the common man 
    • They built narrower at the top so it looks more taller
    • Pericles planned everything
    • It was and still is the most glorious part of Athens emperor
    • Cost about 1 million dollars to build, they could afford to because they had high employment and trade
  • Aspsia was a high price, smart, beautiful women 
    • Pericles divorced his wife for her 
    • She was included with his discussions with very important people
    • She wasn't born in Athens and she was a women, 2nd class to men
  • They invented drama and theater, story-tellers
    •  Big acting and gestures 
    • The fatal faul, when you have everything and you do something wrong, when you mess up everything 
  • Pericles thought he could have everything if he conqueced Sparta, he could ruled all of Greece 
  • Hubris, aigate where you could everything, having to much pride

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