Friday, March 11, 2011

Movie - The Greeks

  • The Greeks formed the civilization that formed that world
  • 508BC, 5 century before in the birth of Christ, in a town called Athens the people turned all their rulers
  • Celitanieis, a knight, would set the Greeks to the path of emperor
    • He was called a artisiocat
  • Reading and writing was a hard skill
  • Life expetancy was less than 15 years
  • The great civilations in his day lied in Egypt and Persia 
  • Greece was a place with lots of mountain ranges
  • Greece was divided into little groups called city states, each different
    • Argos - ships went across the Mediterrian 
    • Corinth
    • One cite state had miltary power called Sparta 
    • They were raised in fields, away from their families, they were made to be soldiers 
    • Red cloaks  
  • Sparta conquered more than 40 miles of Greece, became rulers
  • Ancient tails and stories inspired the Greeks 
    • Stories shaped Celitanieis and other Greeks
    • Two tales are still told today, they tell about the battles and heros who won power 
    • Images of hero's are found all over Greek art
    • One day a man rode into the city of Athens with a woman, goddess of Athens, he was welcome as a ruler but he wanted more than gain and pass on the power so he would have to find an allies. Hightrosit reduced taxes and increases farmers ?and began a change 
    • He gained power by her
    • He cut cut taxes and lent money from gov. (below)
  • Started to prodice olives, the best in the world, not only over Greek but over the seas 
  • Greeks were scattered, like ants or frogs around a pond
  • Everyone had something to sell, gold, silver, art, wine and everyone was willing to trade for their olive oil
  • The vase was Athens first greatest innovation
    • What was inside the pot was more then the outside 
    • Poverty had been important throw the ancient world
    • Using designs based on Egyptians
    • Greeks started a different style of art 
    • Made art of each other 
    • Shown their compassion for achcivement
  •  527BC the ruler died and was layed in the graveyard
  • His son took over, and started things like his father did
  • 524BC, his son was muried 
  • Hippieas finally thought it was the right time to go for ruler
  • He want to over throw Hiptraiate
  • 510BC and Clitainese was finally ruler
  • The competion of the games was found in 77BC, before he was born
    •  The Qlypmics games were to display to heroic feeling
    • Chariot ranings, running, wreslting, or boxing
    • No price just the fame and glory
    • 40,000 Greeks would gather for the games
    • They would travel hundreds of miles to see the games
    • Anyone would win or compete, even a farmer 
    • The only rule is you get what you get
    • You have to show they you can win
  • 508BC, this would be Athens first chance to seize power for the people
  • For the first time in history, Athens in under a law
  • Cletheneis was asked to create a government 
  • They had a gathering place, so they would diciside the future for their state 
  • White pebble - yes
  • Red pebble -no
  • A system in which know we call democratic
  • To the raising of taxes, to . .
  • They are the government
  • Democratic presented a heroic, it showed that even those who where poor would have glory and power
Day 2 :
  • Artisocats were people with power and money, part of the ruling class
  • Acropolis - named of the big rock, means highest city or peak, good place to pick a village so they could see their enemies
  • Artisocats were people with power and money, part of the ruling class
  • Acropolis - named of the big rock, means highest city or peak, good place to pick a village so they could see their enemies
  • Because they were sepreated by mountains, they didn't get along, they fought wars, these places were called city states
  • Artee - philospy that you do everything you can 
    • If you are a pottery, you make the best pots
    • If you are a solider, you fight for your city state and not for yourself
    • They didn't take shortcuts
  • The Odyssey is preversed until now 
    • They had to memorizes this long book and memorized it 
    • Written by Hormer
  • Tirent 
  • Pisistratus is Clethesis brother-in-law
    • He cuts taxes
    • He lent them money, so they can grow things themselves or buy new equipment
    • He became friends with the articocats 
    • Everyone thought that Greece was in a good condition to around with everyone around them
  • The Vase was Athens first artist fantasy
    • inside the pot was worth more than the pot itself
    • They drew each other on the outside, with geometric patterns 
Day 3 :
  • Hipipas murder his mother
    • He became bitter and supsation for anyone because of what happen to his brother
    • His brother got killed, so he took it all out on the people
  • Clethesis wanted to overthrow Hippias to gain power 
    • Hippias would be captured and banthed from Athen forever
  • The Olympic games were those wealth but Clethesis made it so a farmer can fight a nobleman
    • (games and more info above)
    • Probably 40,000 Greeks would gather to see the games
    • Travel 100 of miles to see the games
    • Impower the poor people so they could have money
    • You have to go in there and show that you can win
  • Hipsaarous. a artisocat, also wanted power
    • He couldn;t do in alone 
    • He went to the Spartans, which the Greeks feared
    • He would betray his city, Athens
    • He got control of Athens
    • He and his troops would rule the high point of Athens
    • Over 700 houses were ruined or burnt including Clenthesis
    • Cl. left his house and left Athens to the Spartans 
    • Ishgirs and his troop went on top of the large rock (name above)
    • For 2 days and 1 nights 
    • This was the first revolution of the people, and overthrow a leader
    • Ishgirs throw out Clethesis, and the people were mad 
    • Athens is know control of the law
    • The people turn to one man, Cl.
  • Agora was there meeting place where they would discussion things for their country (more above)
  • A system which we now more of democratic 
  • They would meet every 9 days and vote, everyone got to say they opinion, mugity rules
  • Anybody could go up there and speak 
  • First time ever since anyone did this
  • White Pebble - yes
  • Red Pebble - no
  • 419BC - Pheideppides ran the first marathon 
    • He ran is not for glory but for survival
  • Persia had lots of power
  • The head of the emperior, was Enthies 
  • The Greeks emphasis freedom and Persia would emphasis power, with slaves
  • The heart of the Athenian force was a hoplite, is a professional solders 
  • Pheidppides ran 140 miles in just 2 days
    • 1 story : To inform the Athens the Sparta was coming and then he died on the spot
    • 2 story : Went to Sparta and said that they were are all Greeks and we have to fight the Spartans 
    • He deviered a message that needed to be sent
  • The Athens spundered the Spartain 
  • The Athens returned home to celeabrate there victory
  • But there war with Persian had just begen
  • Themistocles had risen to power by democratic
  • He learn his leadership skills on the polumdn 
  • One of the first guys to rise up to, 'anyone could have power' 
Day 4 :
  • Pheidppides was a regualur person like as, who rose up to be the gerenal of the navy because he was very good at his job
  •  He would be the savor of his city
  • He made sure that if the Persians were going to come again, they wouldn't be defeated
  • Trireme - battleship of its time, stated of the art ships
    • To ram the enemies ship, they used it as a weapon 
    • 170 guys are trained to row in the same direction in unison 
    • Had over 200 triremes in their nations because of Clethesis, the greatest navy force in Greece
    • They were very expensive
  • In 483BC, the Greeks found silver
    • The people wanted to shared the silver but Chethesis wanted to spend it on ships
  • Xerxes is Darious son who is still upset that his father lost to Greece
    • He gathered his forced
    • His army had over 2 million men, the greatest the world has ever since
  • The Greeks who where scared of the Persians invaded went to a Oraere, fortune teller, in Delphi 
    • They could them they were domed and to run away
    • They had a plan to fight the Persians at sea 
    • They were going to evaluate Athens, leave their homes and possessions  
    • Salamis - place they were going to fighting in the Straits of Salamis, body of water between them
    • The Persian  burned the templetes in Athens 
    • The Persian's navy is 4 times larger than the Greeks
    • The Greeks defeated the greatest emperor of the time, out numbered by land and sea
  • Delian League became Athens emperior, making money to protect themselfes
  • Became a city of a fast trade emperior, goods came shipped from all over the place

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