Friday, April 29, 2011

10 pictures to lyrics

It’s a triumvirate -- that’s a group of three
“Crassus (come on), Pompey (come on), I’m JC! (come on)
We three will rule!
It’s the start of the rise of Julius C

I can hear the brothers Gracchus Sayin, 
“Rich, please don’t attack us” (don’t attack us)
“We got a feeling that the senators will whack us” (hey!)

Shield, sword, dagger, and armor and tunic
On horseback is the cavalry

Brand new republic ready to run
Hannibal riding on elephant back

They moved to Rome, Rome, Rome, Rome, Rome, Rome, Rome, Rome
stab-in-the-back.jpg (400×300)
Brutus and the Senate murdered Julius C
He hit the floor (he hit the floor)
Next thing you know
Caesar’s no more, more, more, more, more, more, more, more
You know he’s so depressed
23 stab wounds in his chest (in his chest)
logomiicred.jpg (581×409)
Pax Romana is the word that brings the cheers (Yay!)

To the shores of the River Tiber

Thursday, April 28, 2011

Daily Post 4/28

Today in class we reviewed from yesterday's class, about the first Rome reading.
I took notes on that below. We also took another mini pop quiz. We went over the vocab words and discussed some of the answers on the quiz. We started going over the answers to our homework.

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Rome Reading 2


Consul - two roman officials that commanded the army and directed the government MONACRY
Veto - forbid or overrule 
Senate - the aristocratic branch of Rome's government 
Assembly - the democratic side of Roman government 
Dictator - a leader who had absolute power to make laws and command the army 
Mercenary - soldiers who fight in any country's army for pay

Question 1-6
  1. a. Why were many plebians dissatisfied with Rome's government in the early years of the republic? They had to much power and control of the Roman government b. How did they win reforms? Refusing to fight in army unless they agreed c. What changes did they bring about in Roman government? they obtained more farovable laws, marriage between plebeians and patricians 
  2. Why did Romans consider that they had a balanced government? Because their government was partly monarchy (by king), partly an aristocracy (by nobles), and partly a democracy (by the people). They believed that this mixture gave them the best features of all kinds of governments
  3. Once Rome had conquered most of Italy, how did the Roman government win the support of the conquered people? they became allies to the Romans
  4. a. At the start of the Punic Wars, why might Carthage have appeared the stronger power? Had a population of 250,000 people which was about three times the size of Rome, had a huge navy of 500 ships, wealthy, and hired mercenaries b.Why was Rome, in fact, the victor? The romans had directed much of energy toward winning wars, and better models of ships
  5. Why was the Battle of Zama a major turning point in history? If Hannibal had been the victor, Carthage and not rome would have become the greatest empire in the world
  6. a. Why did the Greeks at first welcome Romans armies? They freed the Greeks of their ruler Phillip  b. Why did the Greek attitude change? The Greeks were greedy with their freedom
Notes on 4/28

How many people were in the Roman army at a time? 
What were some conflicts between plebeians and patrians? 
The plebeians were tried of being under class men so they made the patricans make 12 laws wroten on tables/tablets so everyone could see; the plebians couldn't hold office so they didn't want to fight in the army
What were some of the powers of the consul? They could veto each other, could serve for 1 year and then change after 10 years, command the army, directed the government 
Who was in the Senate? rich, powerful patrains and men only : started out as 100, you served for life
Who was the Assembly? They tried to pass laws
Who were the three groups? Consul, Senate, Assembly
Who was the office of dirator? 

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Rome Reading 1


Republic - a political unit that is not rules by a monarch and in which citizens with the right to vote choose their leaders
Gravitas - disciple, strength, loyalty, weightiness or seriousness
Pater familias - father, the oldest male of the family he had power and could sell any of the family members 
Toga - loose, uncomfortable garment worn by the citizens of rome
Patrician - people who were upper class because they claimed to have had ancestors that were founders of Rome
Plebeian - common farmers, artisans,and merchants
Legion - a massive (4,000 to 6,000) military unit -calavery,horses and infinitry, foot soldiers and spears-
Century - a fighting unity made of 80 people 

Questions 1- 6

How did geography help Rome?
The city is a central point in within a central peninsula 
Has a river, on a hill, have the Alps. 
Mediterranean - they thought the sun and stars went around the world and Mediterranean was the center
Why was each of the following groups important to Rome's development?
*Latins - settled on neither side of the Tiber River, Rome became a settlement of Latin shepherds 
Greeks - Rome established 50 colonies on the coast of southern Italy and Sicily; they copied most of the things Greeks did like Greek gods and architecture
Etruscans - Roman buildings show the influence of Etruscans architecture. Helped Romans to develop Rome's trade. Romans adopted there alphabet   
What were the values of early Roman society?
Gravitas - discipline, strength, loyalty
How was the Roman household organized?
Men took charge - pater familias and women took care of the house
What freedoms did women have in the family and in society?
Women were in charge of the home
How was the army linked to Roman society?
All men had to serve in the army, no one could hold public office without being in the army for 10 years 

    Monday, April 18, 2011

    Review for Test on WED.

    NO BLOGS ):

    -Multiple chose 

         25-30 questions
        3 choices
        Probably about Socrates
        Plato's cave

    Mostly on Class Projects :

    Greeks Army, Battle 
    What is a hiaplite? Greek soldiers
    What is the formation called? phananx 
    Some of the Greek battles? mostly fought Persians (Marathon, Themerpliy, Straight Selmonas)

    Plennitsonian War
    How long did the Plensican War last? 27 years
    How who? Sparta at Slicly
    A key factor that cause the war? 
    How were the Athenian going to fight this war? The wall and at water
    Where did it go wrong? When the plague came from cargo
    What happened when the plague came? Pericles, his sons, 2/3 people

    Math and Science
    What are two important names? Arctiemitles, Pythias 

    Poets and Poetry 
    Who were the two main poets? Homer and Saffo 

    What kind of types were they? Tragedy, Comedy, Sader
    Where did they go see plays? It was semi-circular, seats carved out of the hill
    Skene was a back wall behind the stage
    There wasn't anything like this in the world

    What were his goals? His wanted to glorify Athens, strengthen democratic, expand the empire  
    The center of town where people discussion in - Agora

    Built by Pericles
    Frieze - regular people carved into rim of the Parthenon 
    Statue of Athina - in the middle  
    Built of the Acropois so everyone could see it
    Built in the Doric style - first example

    Aricthure - PICTURES
    What were the styles? Doric - basic, Oxic - little more fancy, Corinthian - very fancy 

    Trial of Scrates
    Charged with corrupting the youth minds and going against the gods
    How did he die? Drank poison hemlock

    First games were held in 756 B.C.
    Only free men who spoke Greece were allowed to precipitate  
    No women came  precipitate or watch 
    Boxing, racing, etc.
    Hoplitodrmos - event that you run - extra credit? 

    In order - Socrates, Plato, Artistotle 
    Scoatic Method - opinions
    Plato - found a school called the Acemdey
    Plato wrote Dialouges 


    Friday, April 15, 2011

    Alexander the Great Movie

    Notes : 
    • Beupleaus couldn't be tamed or ridden by anyone but Alexander wanted to try
    • He figured out that he was afraid of his shadow, and rode him the other direction
    • His father, Philip II of Macedon, didn't get along with his mother, and he hated the fact that he was tutored by Aristotle and studied poetry, music, etc.
    • He got along really well his mother, Olympias  
    • His was a captain in his father's army by 16
    • He believed Zerkius payed someone to associated his father, his be looking for revenge
    • Zerkius got scared because Alexander and his men were getting so close to him that just turned around and ran away

    Thursday, April 14, 2011

    Greeks Movie

    Notes : 

    • Socrates had an in-normal appearance, he focused in the mind and thinking
    • Greeks started calculating things by mathematics and science instead of using the gods
    • Theleis used the stars to sail at night and measured the pyramids by measuring the shadow with the sun
    • Socrates used reason and logic to examine 
    • Spent his days debating and in conversations  
    • He thought he was more attached than others, he said his eyes bulge out so he can see things better and his nose flared out so he can take in more smells
    • The plague was boughten to Athens from cargo, a disease that would greatly affect them  
    • 1/3 to 2/3 of the population was done
    • Then it hit Pericles after 6 months, he died 
    • He had plans to make Athens the greatest empire on the Mediteriterrian 
    • His sons and navy leaders died with him also
    • When he dies everything falls apart, so everyone would want to be the leader
    • After Pericles Athens never had a political leader
    • War happened no one spoke expect Socrates, but he was only one voice
    • The generals died of drinking poison
    • Sparta went to war with Athens, no one was able to win 
    • In 415 B.C they went to war to Sicily, and lost a lot of men 
    • The Athens began to starve in the streets
    • They turned to Athenian but she couldn't help
    • They turned to Lysander
    • They burnt the Walls of Athens and burning all there ships
    • They had to blame someone for what was going on in Athens
    • They went for Socrates, he was arrested for undermining the youth and disrespecting the gods
    • He annoys Athens and wants them to think
    • Socrates was put to death by drinking poison, he was very calm, treating it like it was nothing
    • All of Socrates friends broke down but Socrates just told them to be brave
    • He didn't die for glory, he died for his principles
    • He believed man should question the world around him 
    • After he died his students, plato, aristotle, started learning by reason - empire by thought

    Wednesday, April 13, 2011


    Olivia - 88/100

    1. Who was Homer? A early Greek poet, known for the Iliad and Odyssey, legend says his blind
    2. True or False : He could have not been alive or real. True
    3. True or False :The stories could have been written by others poets but they wrote in different styles but the Odyssey but the style was consistent. True 

    Alexander's Conquest

    Alexander's Conquest
    Jordan - 88/100

    1. True or False : Most of the battle were against Persians. True
    2. True or False : Never got a battle. True
    3. What was his horses name? Buceupalus, means ox head in Greek
    4. What age did his die? 32, very young people say he die of alcohol poisoning, syphilis, fever, etc. 

    Monday, April 11, 2011

    Trial of Socrates

    Trial of Socrates
    Vinny -  90/100

    1. What was the Trial of Socrates? He came up with a theory that the earth wasn't revolved around the Gods. 
    2. True or False : People thought the center of the earth was the center of the universe. True
    3. He went to a trial and had about 10 to 15 minutes, charged with disrespecting the gods and the youth, he was sentenced to death

    Greek Army and Battles

    Greek Army and Battles
    Megan - 97/100

    1. True or False: One of the main formation used for battle was called phalanx. It was well protected because of the shields. True
    2. What were Hoplites? Citizen-soldiers, they have lots of people but had hot/heavy armor
    3. What were some armor they wear? Helmets out of bronze, cuirass out of bronze or leather, aspis out of wood, spears out of iron and metal, and xiphos, weapon used if you lost the spear(sword)
    4.  What were some major battles in history? Marathon, Thermopylae, and more . . .
    5. What were some of Alexander's Battles? Granicus and Issus and Gaugamela and Hydaspes

    The Hellenic Age

    The Hellenic Age
    Brylyn - 92/100

    1. What happened during the Hellenic Age? brought drama political views and art sculptures 
    2. What were the three types of style? Serve, High Classical, and Fourth Century B.C.
    3. True or False : They used sculptures to show the god and goddess glory. They tried to make them real-like and show emotions

    Friday, April 8, 2011

    Greek Architecture

    Greek Architecture 
    Brad - 93/100

    1. What were the 3 styles? Doric - basic, thicker and shorter (remember), Ionic, and Corinthian - complex 
    2. True or False: The original system of Greek system was the Doric style. True 
    3. What were they made out of? Limestone, marble
    4. What was the most famous building of Greece? The Parthoen

    The Golden Age/ The Age of Pericles

    The Golden Age/ The Age of Pericles
    Laruen - 97/100

    1. Who was Pericles? A leader of Athens at age 32
    2. True or False : The Athenians attended reglious festivals, Panathenaia - honered Athena Dionysa - honered the god of wine and ecstacy. True
    3. True or False: Girls never got an education only boys had education and power. True
    4. Who was Aspasia? A member of the Hetarae, a class of the unmarried females that went to pays, studied, and debeted with men, opened her own school, Perciles fell in love with her, divorced his wife and moved in with her, it says she wrote most of Perciles speeches
    5. What were Pericles three goals? Strengthen democracy, Expand their empire, Make Athens more beatiful

    Greek Poets & poety

    Greek Poets 
    Alena - 95/100

    1. Why did they write poetry? They did it as a living or as a career 
    2. Who is Sophronia? A female poet she was one of the first people who wrote poems in first person, she was an artiscatic who married a merchant, small and ugly
    3. Who was Homer? A blind storyteller and musican, and poet, wrote the itiate and osydess - might have had many different people

    Greek Drama

    Greek Drama 
    Sam - 90/100

    1. What are the three types of drama? tradey, comedy, and satyr
    2. Tragedy were preformed by ____. Men
    3. What was the theater of Delphi? Site of the most important oracle
    4. Why was drama created? It was the reglious worship of the god and goddess

    Thursday, April 7, 2011


    Haley 90/100

    1. Who built it and for how, what was it for? Built by Perciles to the goddess Athienia built to worship the goddesses 
    2. What sytle was it built in? The Doric Style 
    3. What was on the inside? The statue of Atheia and carving of the common people on the inside, frieze, and the gods and goddess of the outside

    Alexander the Great

    Alexander the Great 
    Morgan 100/100

    1. Who was Alexander the Great? He was a great ruler and general of Greece, he named the city after his horse died, studied literture, Alexander was captain in the Macdonian army at age 16, brave and intelligent solider, he never lost a battle and conquered all
    2. Why was he was named the Great? He was able to conquer the world
    3. What city did he build in Egypt? Alexandria

    Math and Science Breakthroughs

    Math and Science Breakthroughs 
    Kevin 88/100
    1. What is physical displacement? You can measure the volume of a body by measuring in the water
    2. What were some things the Greeks came up with? Astronomy, Geometry, Pie, Pathogen theory, etc. it was a whole new way of looking of things, everything can be explained by science and math not by the gods
    3. Who was Eratosthenes? He found the circumference of the earth with in 2% of error over 200 years before Jesus was born

    Wednesday, April 6, 2011

    Absent today !

    I wasn't at school today. But I check Mr.Schick's blog and it said that Julia did a presentation on Greek Art and Zach did a presentation on the Olympics. I couldn't grade their presentations because I didn't see them but I graded Caitlin's below.

    Monday, April 4, 2011

    Peloponnesian War

    Peloponnesian War
    Catlin - 93/100

    1. Who was in the War? Spartians vs. Athenians
    2. Which city states were involded? Argos, Corinth, Megara, Athens, Sparta 
    3. Why did it happen? Pericles had a treaty that didn't work out and the plague killed many soldiers about 2/3 of the population
    4. Who won the battle? The Spartans