Thursday, April 14, 2011

Greeks Movie

Notes : 

  • Socrates had an in-normal appearance, he focused in the mind and thinking
  • Greeks started calculating things by mathematics and science instead of using the gods
  • Theleis used the stars to sail at night and measured the pyramids by measuring the shadow with the sun
  • Socrates used reason and logic to examine 
  • Spent his days debating and in conversations  
  • He thought he was more attached than others, he said his eyes bulge out so he can see things better and his nose flared out so he can take in more smells
  • The plague was boughten to Athens from cargo, a disease that would greatly affect them  
  • 1/3 to 2/3 of the population was done
  • Then it hit Pericles after 6 months, he died 
  • He had plans to make Athens the greatest empire on the Mediteriterrian 
  • His sons and navy leaders died with him also
  • When he dies everything falls apart, so everyone would want to be the leader
  • After Pericles Athens never had a political leader
  • War happened no one spoke expect Socrates, but he was only one voice
  • The generals died of drinking poison
  • Sparta went to war with Athens, no one was able to win 
  • In 415 B.C they went to war to Sicily, and lost a lot of men 
  • The Athens began to starve in the streets
  • They turned to Athenian but she couldn't help
  • They turned to Lysander
  • They burnt the Walls of Athens and burning all there ships
  • They had to blame someone for what was going on in Athens
  • They went for Socrates, he was arrested for undermining the youth and disrespecting the gods
  • He annoys Athens and wants them to think
  • Socrates was put to death by drinking poison, he was very calm, treating it like it was nothing
  • All of Socrates friends broke down but Socrates just told them to be brave
  • He didn't die for glory, he died for his principles
  • He believed man should question the world around him 
  • After he died his students, plato, aristotle, started learning by reason - empire by thought

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