Friday, April 8, 2011

The Golden Age/ The Age of Pericles

The Golden Age/ The Age of Pericles
Laruen - 97/100

  1. Who was Pericles? A leader of Athens at age 32
  2. True or False : The Athenians attended reglious festivals, Panathenaia - honered Athena Dionysa - honered the god of wine and ecstacy. True
  3. True or False: Girls never got an education only boys had education and power. True
  4. Who was Aspasia? A member of the Hetarae, a class of the unmarried females that went to pays, studied, and debeted with men, opened her own school, Perciles fell in love with her, divorced his wife and moved in with her, it says she wrote most of Perciles speeches
  5. What were Pericles three goals? Strengthen democracy, Expand their empire, Make Athens more beatiful

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