Friday, May 27, 2011

Daily Post 5/27

Today in class we finished talking about Rome. Mr. Schick was about to give us a quiz but instead he went over the questions and answers with us. At the end of class he gave us the worksheet to finish in class.

Thursday, May 26, 2011

Daily Post 5/26

Today's class was a lot of fun. We went outside!
We also went over what we read last night. We talked about the economy in different places, prices going up, and many different people that were in the packet. I wrote my answers for the homework on a piece a paper since my blogger won't work for some reason because of problems with my password. I changed it many times to try to fix it but it won't work. So now I'm on my home computer and it works so there's something wrong with my school computer and not blogger.

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Daily Post 5/25

Today in class, Mr. Schick gave back our tests on Rome. I got an 99 (:
It was pretty easy. We went over the answers, I only got one wrong. I'm saving the paper to study from for exams in a couple of weeks. Our essays were due today about the differences between the Roman Empire and Roman Republic. Our homework tonight is to read the packet Mr. Schick gave us and answer the questions on the back.

Monday, May 23, 2011

Daily Post 5/23

Today our printed essays were due on the differences between the Roman Empire and the Roman Republic. I switched papers with Megan. I checked her paper while she checked mine. Megan said my essay was pretty good, I was just missing a few commas and semi-colons. Mr.Schick also said I needed a more interesting title under than 'Roman Empire vs. Roman Republic'. So I going to think of a more creative title to grab the readers attention. The final printed copy is due Wednesday because we don't have class tomorrow. The rubic for the essay is on Mr.Schick's blog.

Friday, May 20, 2011

Daily Post 5/20

Today we had a sub because Mr. Schick was sick. He told us to work on our essay. I did a lot of research and continue writing from yesterday. So far, I have 96 words. I'm in the middle of talking about the Roman Republic and its 3 branches of government. Over the weekend, I'm going to finish talking about that and talk about the Roman Empire and the main differences. I'm hoping to be finished by Saturday. I'm going to check over it for grammar and spelling and print by Sunday. I hope the world doesn't end tomorrow!

Thursday, May 19, 2011

Finished test ! and assignment

Today we had a test on the Rome PowerPoint. I think I good, probably in the 90.
I study last night and today in class. It had all the same things on it as the PowerPoint, some maybe word-for-word. It also had the emperors on it, such as Augutus, Tiberius, Caliguia, and Cladius. Mr. Schick assigned as a 500 point paper on the difference between the Roman empire and the Roman republic. It's due on Monday and we had time to start it in class. We need to format a specfic way. Which Mr. Schick will put more details on his blog.

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Things on test

Today in class we finished writing notes about the powerpoint.

4 emperors :
Augustus -
started Pax Romana - period of peace
first emperor
made Rome grow
Tiberius -
the old one
became emperor at old age
good general
wasnt good at his job
Caligula -
crazy one
he was the 'booties'
assassinated by aides
Germanius's son
Claudius -
sick one
made fun of
conquered Britian
revonated Circus Maxium
gave people right and laws
married to Messilia

Jesus and Paul
Preseuting Jews
and PowerPoint

Monday, May 16, 2011

The Roman Empire

Octavian - AKA Caesar Augustus 
  • first emperor
  • Begins the Pax Romana - a period of peace and prosperity
  • Built road
  • Set up civil care service to take care of the roads, grain supply, postal service
  • Was in power when Jesus came
  • Dies at age 76 of old age in A.D. 14, and passes power to Tiberius
Jesus to Christianity 
  • Roman citizen and a practicing Jew
  • At 30, he began his ministry preaching to the poor in the empire, and reaching out to outsiders 
  • Statements like "My kingdom is not of this world" made the Romans nervous
  • The governor of the Roman province of Judaea, Pontius Pilate, sentences Jesus to death by crucifixion
The world spreads about risen Jesus
  • Paul is instrumental in telling the world about Jesus' life, death, resurrection, and message
  • He travels far and wide: Cyprus, Anatolia, Athens, Corinth, Macedonia, Rome, Jerusalem, and maybe even Spain and Britain
  • He writes letters to many of those he spoke to these epistles are a part of the NT
  • If not for the effort of Paul, it is likely that Jesus remains an obscure preacher, instead of the central
Ranking of the Most Influential Persons in History
  1. Muhammad
  2. Sir Isaac Newton
  3. Jesus
  4. Buddha
  5. Confucius
  6. St. Paul of Tarsus
  • As Augustus' stepson and adopted son, Tiberius succeeded Octavian
  • Although a great general, he was a dark, somber, reclusive, and reluctant emperor
  • He referred to the Senate as "men fit to be slaves", couldn't get along with the Senate
  • Germanicus started out as Tiberius' ally, since he quelled a legion mutiny, but when it looked like he would succeed Tiberius, he got paranoid and had Germanicus killed
  • Died in AD 37 at the age of 77, giving way to Caligula
Caligula - good start
  • In addition to being Germanicus' son, he was Tiberius adopted grandson and great-nephew - putting him next in line for emperor
  • He started off well: granting bonuses to those in the military, declaring treason 
Caligula - bad finish
  • He began to fight with the Senate
  • He claimed to be a god, and had statues displayed in many places - including the Jewish temple 
  • Other examples of cruelty and insanity : he slept with other men's wives and bragged about it, too much spending, and even tried to make his horse a consul and a priest 
  • Assassinated by his own aides, AD 41 and aged 28
Next in line : Claudius
  • Ostracized by his family because of his disabilities (limp, slight deafness, possible speech impediment - thought to be cerebral palsy or polio), last adult male in the family
  • He rose to the occasion : he conquered Britian; he built roads, canals, and aqueducts; he renovated the Circus Maximus
  • Had an awful marriage to Messalina, who had many affairs
Meanwhile - religious troubles
  • Christianity and Judaism : monotheistic - one God
  • Romans had many gods, plus at times the emperor was viewed as a God
  • AD 66: a group of Jews called the Zealots tried to rebel, but Roman troops put them down and burned their temple (except for one wall)
  • The Western Wall today is the holiest of all Jewish shrines 
  • Half a million Jews died in the rebellion
Persecution of Christians
  • Romans were harsh toward those who would not worship the emperor
  • Especially Christians, who were viewed as followers of a new, upstart religion (cult)
  • Often used for "entertainment" purposes in the Colosseum (thrown to the lions)
  • Despite the oppression, Christianity grew quickly - by AD 200, around 10 percent of the people in the Roman empire were Christians

Sunday, May 15, 2011

Tiberius, Caligula, Claudius

  • 2nd Emperor of the Roman Empire
  • His step-father was Octavian
  •  Emperor form 14 AD to 37 AD
  •  Tiberius was the stepson of Augustus, great-uncle of Caligula, paternal uncle of Claudius

  • 3rd Emperor of the Roman Empire
  • Emperor from 37 AD to 41 AD
  • Caligula's father Germanicus, the nephew and adopted son of emperor Tiberius, was a very successful general 
  • Caligula means "little boot"
  • "There are few surviving sources on Caligula's reign, although he is described as a noble and moderate ruler during the first two years of his rule. After this, the sources focus upon his cruelty, extravagance, and sexual perversity, presenting him as an insane tyrant.

  • 4th emperor of the Roman Empire
  • Emperor from 41 AD to 54 AD
  • Had a sickness when he was a child
  • When he grew up, he had problems such as a limp, speech and walking issues
  • Many people laughed at him
  • But many people loved him because he passes many laws and gave them rights
  • His wife, Messalia, had affairs with a noblemen
  • Claudius told his men to kill her and her lover

Friday, May 13, 2011


Today in class we finished watching the movie on Rome. I typed up all my notes I took and posted them. On Wednesday and Thursday when I tried to make a new post, blogger was down. Mr. Schick said he would give us credit for those days since we couldn't blog anything. He assigned us to do research with a partner on Tiberious, Caligua, and Cladius and post it on our blogs.

Thursday, May 12, 2011

Rome Movie Notes

  • Octiavious was Juilus Ceasar's adopted grandson 
  • He made 3 branches of govnerment of republic: the consul, senate, and assembly
  • Julius Ceasar had lots of power, was nice to the people, but had enemies
  • They didn't want one person to have that much power
  • So Octiavian goes againist him, stabs him to death with the rest of the senate, later he changes his name to Augutus
  • Rome controled almost the entire coast of the Mediterrtian in the begin of the first century, which needed a lot of soldiers
  • Octiavian died of age at 75 ?
  • *Tiberous, step son of Otiavian, took over after Octiavian passed away
  • You had to be in the Roman League, if you were stationed far, you were gone for 30 to 40 years
  • They said they weren't going to fight anymore
  • *Germanmicus, is going to cover/take charge for Tiberious and calm down the people in the army
  • Seligula (bootus, his son about 2 years old) was the 'mascot' for the League
  • He saw the army's loyalty 
  • Germanius was getting to much power, so Tiberious, had him killed, some say of posion
  • People after work, would go to the baths
  • The baths - a social place, excersing rooms, an eatting place, even had hairpluckers&messages for the rich&poor
  • Romans cheirshed their afternoon time
  • Singanious, a calvary fighter
  • Germanious is killed, and Singanious takes his children and straves one and the other commites suicde, later dragged on the streets and thrown into the ocean
  • Genmanious was struggled and thrown into a River
  • Jesus was in Judea and baptised in the Jordan River
  • Tried to help/appeal to the poor
  • *The Romans put Jesus to death
  • He goes to marketplace and flips the tables
  • He causes people a lot of trouble
  • He went around with no politcal views, no wealthy families/background, he just went around preaching to the poor, like many other people did
  • Jesus was arrested and later restution
  • They picked that type of death to send a message to others & it was public
  • Tiberious was in charge at this time
  • His followers believed Jesus rose from the dead and came back
  • Paul preached more the Jesus, he traveled more, going all around the Roman empire
  • Calugea's father's and brothers were killed, some say he suffered from a biopolar or lead posion, calling him crazy
  • He was supposed to kill an animal instead he killed a priest for no reason 
  • He had a statue of himself put in the main church/temple
  • His own people killed him
  • Cladius was disfirgued, he didn't walk or talk right - something happened when he was little, people laughed at him
  • After Calugea was killed, Cladius was next in line and took over 
  • He passed laws, raised women rights, and more
  • He wanted to join Gauls, brits, and Spain into the Roman empire and share the wealth and power
  • Messalia, his wife, had affairs with other men, once with a noblemen
  • He had his men sent to killed her and the noblemen, her lover
  • His men killed her in front of her mother
  • He celebrated his wifes death with a dinner party

Monday, May 9, 2011

Daily Post 5/9

Today in class Mr.Schick gave us our Greek and Rome tests back. We went over the answers, and I wrote what I got wrong so I can study from them for the finals in the end of the year. I have to study the people better because thats what I think I really messed up on.

Friday, May 6, 2011

After Test

I just finished the test and I think I failed haha
I hope I do better than I thought.
The test had questions on the important Roman people like Julius Caesar, Octavian, etc.
It also had questions on the important places and events that happened.

Thursday, May 5, 2011

Rome Rap Paragraphs

Paragraph 1 

  • The Etruscans had a written language 
  • Greeks god and goddess were taken by the Romans
  • Many Roman words came from the Greeks
  • The Tiber River is where the Latins lived
  • Latin were the dominant and civilized people on this area 
  • Romans become part of Rome including the Latins
  • Rome was built on a swamp
  • Soon had a king called Tarquin
  • the last king they ever had *
  • They never had another dictator then had a republic 
Paragraph 2  
  • Democracy - a form of gov. where all people have equal say 
  • Consuls - highest elected office of the Roman gov.
  • Aristocracy - a form of gov. based on the best citizens ruling the city
  • Monarchy - a single ruler, like a king
  • Legions - made up of Romans citizens 
  • Carthage is in Africa *
  • Hannibal took Carthage behind, crossed the Alps and went through all of Italy
  • After 3rd Punic War, the city was destroyed by the Romans 
Paragraph 3 
  • Latifundia - a huge estate or villa 
  • The latifundia were the Roman estates
  • The rich were getting more land and money
  • They were a big problem
  • Gracchus Brothers - Tiderius and Gaius, Roman plabien noble
  • Attempted to pass a land reform that would redistribute huge pieces of patrician land among the plebeians *
  • They said the patricans should given part of there land to the soliders who were fighting for there ccoutry, with socialism and populism *
  • Both were assassinated for their attempts *
  • Led to the civil war
Paragraph 4
  • He changed Rome from a republic to an empire
  • He appointer dictator for ten years * which wasn't normal 
  • Alliance - First Triumvirate
    • He entered a political alliance with Crassus * got his money and Pompey 
  • When Julius Caesar crossed the Rubicon river, it was considered an act of war
  • Gallic Wars - a series of military campaigns lead by J.C.
  • Expansion of the Roman empire into Gaul, defeated Gaul
  • He was trying to be dictator for life, be a king, and the people didn't want that so they stabbed him to death * 
Paragraph 6
  • Octavius - his father was the first one to become a senator, he was Caesars grand - somthing? adopted him
  • Lepidus - A Roman patrician who became a member of the Second Triumvirate, was one of Ceasar;s greatest supporters
  • Cleopatra - The last pharaoh of Ancient Egypt. committed suicided because plan didn't work
  • After Julius died, Octavian, Antony, and Lepidus formed an offical three-man gov.,called "the second triumvirate"
  • Cleopatra tried to take over Octavius power, he remained ruler and changed his name
Paragraph 7 
  • Pax Romana - Latin for "Roman Peace", a period of peace
  • Roman roads allowed them to move armies, trade good, and communicate : used stones, broken stones mixed with cement and sand, etc.
  • They were built like walls
  • Circus Maximus - chariot racing stadium in Ancient Rome 

Test tomorrow

25-30 questions
On Rome
the lyrics to the song
the handouts (3)

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Daily Post 5/4

Today in class Mr Schick wasn't here. We went into a different class and continued working with our partners on the powerpoint. We and Megan are done and ready to present tomorrow.

Monday, May 2, 2011

Daily Post 5/2

Today in class Mr Schick assigned us a paragraph from his Rome rap (on my links).
We had to work with a partner, Megan, to make a powerpoint on what its about.
Me and Megan are doing the Murder of Julius Cearsar and are almost finished our powerpoint.