Thursday, May 5, 2011

Rome Rap Paragraphs

Paragraph 1 

  • The Etruscans had a written language 
  • Greeks god and goddess were taken by the Romans
  • Many Roman words came from the Greeks
  • The Tiber River is where the Latins lived
  • Latin were the dominant and civilized people on this area 
  • Romans become part of Rome including the Latins
  • Rome was built on a swamp
  • Soon had a king called Tarquin
  • the last king they ever had *
  • They never had another dictator then had a republic 
Paragraph 2  
  • Democracy - a form of gov. where all people have equal say 
  • Consuls - highest elected office of the Roman gov.
  • Aristocracy - a form of gov. based on the best citizens ruling the city
  • Monarchy - a single ruler, like a king
  • Legions - made up of Romans citizens 
  • Carthage is in Africa *
  • Hannibal took Carthage behind, crossed the Alps and went through all of Italy
  • After 3rd Punic War, the city was destroyed by the Romans 
Paragraph 3 
  • Latifundia - a huge estate or villa 
  • The latifundia were the Roman estates
  • The rich were getting more land and money
  • They were a big problem
  • Gracchus Brothers - Tiderius and Gaius, Roman plabien noble
  • Attempted to pass a land reform that would redistribute huge pieces of patrician land among the plebeians *
  • They said the patricans should given part of there land to the soliders who were fighting for there ccoutry, with socialism and populism *
  • Both were assassinated for their attempts *
  • Led to the civil war
Paragraph 4
  • He changed Rome from a republic to an empire
  • He appointer dictator for ten years * which wasn't normal 
  • Alliance - First Triumvirate
    • He entered a political alliance with Crassus * got his money and Pompey 
  • When Julius Caesar crossed the Rubicon river, it was considered an act of war
  • Gallic Wars - a series of military campaigns lead by J.C.
  • Expansion of the Roman empire into Gaul, defeated Gaul
  • He was trying to be dictator for life, be a king, and the people didn't want that so they stabbed him to death * 
Paragraph 6
  • Octavius - his father was the first one to become a senator, he was Caesars grand - somthing? adopted him
  • Lepidus - A Roman patrician who became a member of the Second Triumvirate, was one of Ceasar;s greatest supporters
  • Cleopatra - The last pharaoh of Ancient Egypt. committed suicided because plan didn't work
  • After Julius died, Octavian, Antony, and Lepidus formed an offical three-man gov.,called "the second triumvirate"
  • Cleopatra tried to take over Octavius power, he remained ruler and changed his name
Paragraph 7 
  • Pax Romana - Latin for "Roman Peace", a period of peace
  • Roman roads allowed them to move armies, trade good, and communicate : used stones, broken stones mixed with cement and sand, etc.
  • They were built like walls
  • Circus Maximus - chariot racing stadium in Ancient Rome 

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