Thursday, May 12, 2011

Rome Movie Notes

  • Octiavious was Juilus Ceasar's adopted grandson 
  • He made 3 branches of govnerment of republic: the consul, senate, and assembly
  • Julius Ceasar had lots of power, was nice to the people, but had enemies
  • They didn't want one person to have that much power
  • So Octiavian goes againist him, stabs him to death with the rest of the senate, later he changes his name to Augutus
  • Rome controled almost the entire coast of the Mediterrtian in the begin of the first century, which needed a lot of soldiers
  • Octiavian died of age at 75 ?
  • *Tiberous, step son of Otiavian, took over after Octiavian passed away
  • You had to be in the Roman League, if you were stationed far, you were gone for 30 to 40 years
  • They said they weren't going to fight anymore
  • *Germanmicus, is going to cover/take charge for Tiberious and calm down the people in the army
  • Seligula (bootus, his son about 2 years old) was the 'mascot' for the League
  • He saw the army's loyalty 
  • Germanius was getting to much power, so Tiberious, had him killed, some say of posion
  • People after work, would go to the baths
  • The baths - a social place, excersing rooms, an eatting place, even had hairpluckers&messages for the rich&poor
  • Romans cheirshed their afternoon time
  • Singanious, a calvary fighter
  • Germanious is killed, and Singanious takes his children and straves one and the other commites suicde, later dragged on the streets and thrown into the ocean
  • Genmanious was struggled and thrown into a River
  • Jesus was in Judea and baptised in the Jordan River
  • Tried to help/appeal to the poor
  • *The Romans put Jesus to death
  • He goes to marketplace and flips the tables
  • He causes people a lot of trouble
  • He went around with no politcal views, no wealthy families/background, he just went around preaching to the poor, like many other people did
  • Jesus was arrested and later restution
  • They picked that type of death to send a message to others & it was public
  • Tiberious was in charge at this time
  • His followers believed Jesus rose from the dead and came back
  • Paul preached more the Jesus, he traveled more, going all around the Roman empire
  • Calugea's father's and brothers were killed, some say he suffered from a biopolar or lead posion, calling him crazy
  • He was supposed to kill an animal instead he killed a priest for no reason 
  • He had a statue of himself put in the main church/temple
  • His own people killed him
  • Cladius was disfirgued, he didn't walk or talk right - something happened when he was little, people laughed at him
  • After Calugea was killed, Cladius was next in line and took over 
  • He passed laws, raised women rights, and more
  • He wanted to join Gauls, brits, and Spain into the Roman empire and share the wealth and power
  • Messalia, his wife, had affairs with other men, once with a noblemen
  • He had his men sent to killed her and the noblemen, her lover
  • His men killed her in front of her mother
  • He celebrated his wifes death with a dinner party

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